Thursday, February 28, 2008

Public Universities =)

The Joys of a Public University!
oh there are so many perks to going to a public university! such as this:
^^yup. the sign reads "Get Knocked Up" hahaha free condoms for all!! who could want more?!
and then of course there's these awesome buttons that katie, hillary and i had entirely too much fun making! =) the buttons say: "Don't Be Silly, Wrap Your Willy!" "No Glove, No Love!" "If You're Gonna Get Funky, Then Cover Your Monkey!" "No Protection = No Affection!" hahaha our R.A. Lindsey got them from the late night sex talk show with that old lady and found pictures for them! hahahaha

that's all i have for now

and a note on the previous blog... FRIDAY! i get to see soooo many people that i love and miss such as.....
mom, dad, nate, kate (haha they rhyme!), heidi, & josh!!
and i'm SOOOO excited! :D

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More Nothing-Ness =)

So i really have nothing interesting to share but i thought i'd share it anyways! My week really hasn't been that exciting... i'm almost done w/my paper... it's at the "editor" (mom) right now so once i get it back i'll fix everything do the conclusion and get it turned in by 4:30 tomorrow! tonight's going to be just plain awful b/c i have to spend all of it studying for my bio test! i have such high respects for anyone who can understand science b/c other than physics... it is so beyond me!

so for the rest of this week it looks like this...
today: 11-11:50>>math
noon>>lunch w/katie
2-3:50>>college reading and writing
4:00>>study till my brain is fried =(

tomorrow (thursday)
11-12:20 >> business (BORING!)
12:30-1:50>> bio test! =/

11-12:50 math...
1:00 HOME FREE!!!!!!!!!
i'll probably be on my way home by around 2 and i can't wait!!!!
and then if you don't know yet... i get to go to chicago/crystal lake w/my best friend kate over spring break so we'll leave saturday morning for that!!! and trust me... the pictures next week will be endless!!!!

aren't you glad you read this?! haha =) i'm out! class in 10 minutes!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Update

Sunday evening already? I can hardly believe it! I'm writing this blog in hopes that when I'm done with it I'll be more motivated to start my 2-3 page paper on electroshock therapy. Sounds hard right? ;) so anywho....

Friday night i went to Jefferson's w/Kellie and Beth which was fun and of course delicious! I got a gyro which i ate entirely too fast but it was still amazing none-the-less! After dinner Kellie and i stopped by the "Smaug" which is the downstairs of our cafeteria that has mock restaurants like a food court (you can get subs/wraps, burgers/fries, itailian, chinese, or mexican) then there's also a little store that has entirely overpriced goodies which is where we went to grab some snacks! Then we came back to my room to watch No Reservations which was really really cute! we both really enjoyed it! then we just hung out till she left around midnight and i went to bed =)

Saturday i was woken up at 10:39 to my phone ringing... incoming call from jaden which i answered and found out that him and katelyn wanted to "come over" today if that was alright. (jaden is one of my good friends from high school who goes to St. Mary's which is the private college here in Winona and katelyn is one of his friends from there who i've met and like to claim as one of my friends also =P ) So i said that was fine but i needed time for a shower thinking they were wanting to come sometime soon. So i got up and showered and got ready for the day and cleaned a little and then sat down to watch an episode of Lost (which i'm becoming completely addicted to btw) so around 2 i get a text from jaden asking if they can come now or soon and i say yes wondering why they weren't here already cuz i thought they'd be over by noon or so! so then i continue watching Lost and around 3 jaden comes bursting into my room (no knock... how rude) with katelyn and becca following (becca is katelyn's roommate) So after plopping on the futon and saying hello jaden immediately says "can we go get a smoothie now?" cuz we have AMAZING smoothies here at Winona and he had heard about them and wanted one... well we walked over to the smaug to get one and just as we were getting close i realized they don't open till 5 on saturdays... oops =) so then we went to mugby for smoothies and just sat and chatted for a while. Then they took off cuz i had to gather my things to babysit which i then went to do around 4:45...

babysitting was actually quite fun! i babysat for Jody who has cut my hair since i was 5 and her friends kids... Jody's kids were Aaron who's 6 and in kindergarten and then Allison who is 8 and in 3rd grade. Then her friends kids were Taylor who is 11 and in 5th grade and Kaitlyn who is 7 and in 2nd grade. They were all perfect angels! me & the girls played "Mall Madness" and did nails and make-up while aaron played video games and ran around. We also played MASH which i haven't played in ages so that was fun! had pizza for dinner =) then put in a movie to go to sleep to. Jody and Mark got home around 11:20 and i headed for "home" back at the dorms...


so on my way home at a stop light waiting to turn left i see a cop in the rearview mirror so i'm extra careful to go 5 under the speed limit cuz i knew if i tried to go the speedlimit i'd end up going 5 over. So i do this for 2 miles before i turn right on the street i live on. I made sure to come to a complete stop on red before turning right once i was sure it was clear and the cop followed right after me and of course, turned his lights on. "Are you kidding me!?" was my thought since i had been SO careful to do everything right. So i pulled into the conveniently located park parking lot that was right there and he comes up and blah blah blah i had no brake lights. He was really nice about it though. Never told me once to replace them just ran my license and asked me how far i had to go and if i thought i could make it home safely which i thought i could so off i went. =)

and this is the most boring post i've ever written so i'm done.
i'm sorry if you read all of this =(

i'll try to do better with more pictures and less boring details next time!
over and out! =)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday!!! =)

Happy Happy Birthday to my mommy who so kindly brought me into this world and my little cousin Brigitta who was born 40 years later on her 40th birthday! =)

My beatiful momma and me! (and a chicken...haha)

Me & Brigitta =)

Happy birthday to the both of you! i hope you had a wonderful day and i'm sad i wasnt able to celebrate with you!! I love you!! :D

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bball & Church!

Was wonderful! I got to sleep till 11:30 which i of course loved! and then i got up and laid around for a while.. then katie and i headed over to the caf for the ever delicious brunch that they serve on weekends! as we were walking back we realized how beautiful a day it was so we decided we'd walk around the lake! so once we got back to the room... we watched a few episodes of the office as well as the 1st episode of Lost and then we bundled up (b/c although it was beautiful.. it's still minnesota and it's still cold!) and headed around the lake!
After we got back we sat around for a bit more and then headed to grab dinner in the smaug and then came back and showered to head to the basketball game which was AWESOME!! saw a few good dunks, the other team's coach was thrown out, our announcer is a freakin awesome hippie! (as you'll see below!), we dominated (surprising right? haha) so after that we came back to the room and watched another episode of lost and just hung out before hitting the hay =)
is just beginning... me and shad and katie woke up and headed to pleasant valley church here in winona! it was good (looong) but good =) and now we're all just hanging out in the room and i'm blogging! as for the rest of the day... it will be consumed with reading... "Back in Time" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" ... exciting! nope. i lied. it's not. =( oh well... the weekend's gotta end sometime right?
that's it i suppose! check out the pics! =)

^katie & me before heading to the game^

^our amazing hippie announcer!^

^warriors ballin it up... and yes he made that 3!^

^me, shad, & katie hanging out in the room^

^us 3 girls after church today!^

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So back in the middle of January Katie (my roomie) had said she was going to go home for valentine's day weekend but as it got closer she found out she had no ride and so was stuck here in winona. So as the time got closer we decided we would have our own valentine's date since she couldn't be with her boyfriend and since i didn't have one! ;) haha
Shortly after deciding this she realized s
he has a night class on thursdays and valentine's day falls on a thursday so we settled for getting a Little Ceaser's Hot'N'Ready and watching the end of survivor w/Hillary... and then studying in the basement- fun right?
Don't you worry though! We made up for it friday! Last night we got ourselves all dolled up... okay actually we just got out of our sweats and actually put some make up on ;) and headed out to eat at the Green Mill! We both got fettucini alfredo, mine plain, hers with chicken and then we split a Brownie Margarita.. which was icecream in a margarita glass with 2 brownie wedges, hot fudge and whipped cream! it was delicious!!

After we finished eating we headed over to the Winona 7 (the movie theater here... and for those of you from rochester... it was so reminiscent of when we had the barclay square and the apache 4... old school style compared to what we have now!) and saw Step Up 2!!
This is just a picture from a scene in the movie... and let me just tell you! i know that for the most part when there's a really good movie and people try to do a sequal, the sequal usually belly flops and no one likes it and everyone says it's awful and blah blah blah blah blah... BUT! for Step Up 2 this is simply not the case!! this movie was amazing!!! i would almost argue for saying that it's better than the first... maybe. they're both amazing! This one definitely had WAY more dancing which i of course appreciated! ;)

So after the movie we headed back to our dorm to join Hillary & Shadia in watching The Office... so so good! And then we couldn't help but popping in Step Up and watching that too before we hit the hay!! =) So overall I'd say my valentine's was pretty decent!!! =)
P.S. I apparently fail at having a camera and taking pictures as of late... cuz we were totally suppose to take pictures last night but completely forgot.... =( sorry!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Sooo tomorrow is valentine's day... and what do you know a little something comes in the mail for me today!!
what's this?! a package for me!? =) what's inside?!
chocolate necco sweethearts!
Dove chocolates!
100 calorie packs!
& fake nails!

and of course a cute card!
thanks mom & dad! you're the best!!

As for the rest of the day... pretty normal. My college reading and writing professor, Ozment, kept us and rambled on and on about nothing important =) and my travel writing professor, Cumberland, continued to ramble on about nothing we'd read in her high pictched voice! =) that was fun! Alright I lied, no it wasn't... Math was pretty awesome though... we talked about what was going to be on our test for friday and she let us pick what would be on it and what wouldn't, what kind of test it would be, notes or no notes, all that good stuff, she's awesome! but i think that's about it!! i have a pretty interesing life huh? ;)

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Friends: Emily

So I decided it would be fun to occasionally dedicate a blog to one of my super cool friends... so this is just the start!!

Meet my friend Emily: I've known emily for quite some time now.. probably since about 3rd or 4th grade? maybe even younger! When we first knew each other... we weren't exactly friends... i really enjoyed playing with barbies and playing dress up and emily really enjoyed destroying barbies and playing soccer! So for a while we had our differences... then in i would say... 8th grade, we realized that although we didn't have many interests in common, our senses of humor were quite similar. We began to hang out and quickly became very good friends! We've had some awesome times together from traveling to st. louis to see papa ralph, going on countless church retreats and camps, watching every episode of one tree hill, riding the golf cart around oronoco (before that yanked the privilege =( ) and things of the like! Emily never ceases to make me smile or laugh and i'm so blessed to have her in my life!! She's an amazing girl and i'm so glad to call her my friend!! I love you emily! :D
(here are a few other pictures of us!)

A Clicker =)

So apparently i need to do some filling in here on what a clicker is... well below you'll find a picture of one. So a clicker is this really nifty thing that i get to use in my business class cuz i go to such a rad high tech university. (jealous yet? ;)) anyway! for business this is how it goes down... there's about 185 students in the class and at the beginning the prof (Dr. Dan) turns a program on on his computer and we turn our "clickers" on and push "join" which will in turn then mark us in for the class period. (We registered our clickers online which in turn gave us a number, mine is 20 and that's how it corresponds with his master program) Throughout his lectures Dr. Dan will stop and give us a multiple choice questions. To answer we push the respective letter on our clickers that we feel is the correct answer and then hit send and when you've sent it your number on the screen goes from light blue to dark blue so you can tell that it got your answer. After 60 seconds the question "closes" so that no more answers are recieved. Then it checks all the answers and distributes how many people answered which answer and put a green check next to the correct one so you can see right away if you got it right and how many others got it right. It's pretty sweet!

so that's it! I gotta go read before class! =)

oooh! a clicker! ;P

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Number 2!

This will be brief but i figured why not do a quick fill in of the day before i head to bed! =)

I had my first business test today and it was quite the experience... My professor, Dr. Sauers... or "Dr. Dan" as he likes to refer to himself as is a very interesting character! He's about 60 years old and about as loony as they come but is quite funny. I'll see if i can somehow snipe a video of him so you can hear his lovely voice that reaches all different levels! Now this is a lecture course so it's in an auditorium and there are 185 kids in the class. So at the beginning of the exam he gives this huge schpeel on "fill in your ID number here, write your clicker number here and then write it again here in about a size 36 font, i'm talking big here folks!" and all sorts of directions.

When we were done taking the exam we were suppose to raise our hand and then he, or his "assistant" (student helper chick..?) would come to you and you were to first hand them your test booklet and they would check that for your name and clicker number and then your scantron which they would then check to make sure you had properly filled it out. So "Dr. Dan" gets to me and takes my test booklet and checks it over then my scantron and looks at it and exclaims "oh! oh! give me a hug! why can't everyone do it this way!?" and then proceeds to extend his right arm to actually give me a hug! AH! awkward! haha but hilarious none-the-less! so i thought you readers might enjoy that!

oh and this too... he likes to play random music videos at the beginning of class... the other day it was "Stand" by R.E.M. and today it was "Born to Be Wild" by Easy Rider. But seriously watch the "Stand" one... it's hilarious!

That's all for today! I'm going to bed now!! =)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My First Post!

I'm gonna try this thing since both my sister and my mom do it...
I'm going to assume that if you're reading this you probably already know me, but we all know what assuming does.... so I suppose I can fill in a few of the details of my life for those of you who don't know, and for those of you who do, I guess you can skip this part or just see what you think I'm missing and let me know?

My name is Danae but most of my friends call me Nae. I have an older brother, Nate who is 20 and an older sister, Cara who is 22. I myself am just a little baby at 19. My parents are Kirk & Cheri. And then comes the real babies... my puppies, Maddie and Gabby... both yorkies. and then there's the chickens... yup. chickens... I believe their names are Blanch, Dorothy and oh shoot. I can't remember the other ones name!

I am currently attending Winona State Universtiy in believe it or not, Winona, Minnesota! I graduated from Century High School in June of 2007 which meant I needed to do something with my life and college seemed like a good start ; )

I have 3 roommates, Katie, Shadia and Hillary. We have quite a bit of fun together and enjoy our living space although I am excited to have my own room and a real bed I can just plop down on again this summer! =)

I don't really know what else to tell you right now? I can't promise a posting everyday... or even every other day. Once a week will be a stretch. But I guess we'll just wait and see how it goes. Oh and I tend to type like I talk because I feel as though I am talking to whoever is reading this, so if my sentences aren't perfectly structured, I'm sorry, but my talking isn't all that great either! =) And this will probably be one of the only posts that I actually capitalize my "I"'s in... I tend to forget to do that and had to backspace almost everytime I typed "I" in this post... I want to leave you with a good first impression!

Well that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at a real blog!