Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New Title - I NEED YOUR HELP! :)

So i'm not digging my new blog title... i like it - i think it's clever (b/c i'm clever... haha j/k) but i don't think i'm THAT much of a drama queen... some of you might agree, some might not... but either way... I think i want a new name... maybe the new one will have the current one "confessions of a 20-something drama queen" as the sub-title.... maybe not.

so basically what i need from you - the very few readers i have - are suggestions! :)

now if you give a suggestion and i don't end up using it, PLEEAAAAASE don't be offended... i'm an EXTREMELY undecisive person so these things are hard for me! i want something clever and that captures me and since pretty much all of my readers know me pretty well, that's why i'm asking them... or you. whatever.

also - i might not even end up using anyone's suggestions... i might come up with one on my own! but either way, here is my plea for help - please post a comment with your suggestion(s) and maybe my next blog will be a voting session on my favorites!! thanks so much for your help!!