Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New Title - I NEED YOUR HELP! :)

So i'm not digging my new blog title... i like it - i think it's clever (b/c i'm clever... haha j/k) but i don't think i'm THAT much of a drama queen... some of you might agree, some might not... but either way... I think i want a new name... maybe the new one will have the current one "confessions of a 20-something drama queen" as the sub-title.... maybe not.

so basically what i need from you - the very few readers i have - are suggestions! :)

now if you give a suggestion and i don't end up using it, PLEEAAAAASE don't be offended... i'm an EXTREMELY undecisive person so these things are hard for me! i want something clever and that captures me and since pretty much all of my readers know me pretty well, that's why i'm asking them... or you. whatever.

also - i might not even end up using anyone's suggestions... i might come up with one on my own! but either way, here is my plea for help - please post a comment with your suggestion(s) and maybe my next blog will be a voting session on my favorites!! thanks so much for your help!!


Unknown said...

I don't want to suggest specific blog names... BUT I was thinking that you are a girl of MANY facial expressions (all of which are funny/beautiful of course!) and you might be able to come up with something that has to do with that? OR something to do with your "mild" OCD? ORRRRR maybe something to do with you extreme love of music? Like I said, I don't have specific suggestions, but maybe this will lead you in the right direction!

And also, I agree with your statement. I don't really understand your current title because I personally don't think you are a drama queen at all! Just my opinion. OK bye!

Brianna said...

The Life and Times of Pooky :)

Cheri said...

Good one Brie!
I got nuthin.

Brianna said...

I wonder if you could somehow use your middle name (Joy, right?) as part of the title, but in a way that you're sayin your'e joyfull. Like.....oh I dunno, whatev.

Nate said...

The Joyful times of an OCD youngest child? haha, i dunno.

Anonymous said...

Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

Bobby Chubbknuckler said...

How about "Dietz Whattup".... you know, so dietz sounds like dats, which sounds like thats.... so in a round about way, its like you are saying thats whattup. money.

Haxley Hucklebutt said...

How about "Welcome to Danaes-borhood!"" LOLZ! like your in danaes neighborhood. lol absolutely hilarious!!

Kirk said...

How about some more entries :)


The musings of me
The Joy of Life
It's my Name
The Life and Times of Me
Lost in the 20s
Danae -- it rhymes with Orange
Delish -- here's the Dish