Wednesday, October 06, 2010

No Promises

Hello Friends!
Been a while, huh? I am simply going to blog, with no promises of continued blogging, because I think every time I make those promises, I break them :)

Facts/Details from my life as of Late:
1. I'm a senior in college
2. I'm 22 years old
3. I am loving living with my best friend, Katie in our "new" apartment
4. I'm obsessed with Lady Antebellum
5. My apartment is INFESTED with asian beetles, and they're disgusting! (sitting in my living room right now i can count 20 and there are easily 20 more hanging out just inside our front door)
6. I'm working on making an "evolution of hair" collage with pictures of my changing hair styles from the past 4-6 years, when finished, I'll post it here
7. I got a job working at a childcare center here at school, and I love it
8. I ride the shuttle to campus almost every tues/thur morning, and Jerry (the driver) is awesome
9. I would like to take more pictures
10. I am working on being more artsy/crafty
11. Working with kids this summer and at school now has really helped me become more patient than I already was
12. I am still somewhat in shock that I am starting to have friends who are getting engaged/married... I don't feel old enough for that!
13. In case you're wondering, I've had more bloody noses in the past 2 years than in my entire life... mostly because until last year, I'd never had one
14. I am growing my hair out... again. (and hopefully succeeding this time!)
15. I have a new found accessory obsession... watches.
16. I still think we're in the second week of school, even though we're in week 7
17. Two weekends ago, I attended a gopher game at the new TCF Bank Stadium - my 2nd gopher game and my first at the new stadium... it was really cool!

I'm off to take a nap now before my night class. I am hoping to do SOMEWHAT better with blogging, but like I said at the beginning of the post, NO PROMISES! :)

snip snap snout, my tale's told out!


Anonymous said...

Love the title, suits you in a dramatic way! However your drama is all fun! Can't believe I just checked your blog the first time in ages and you posted for the first time in ages. Sounds like you have a lot going on! Keep up the good works!! Love, Aunt Sandy

Kirk said...

Thanks for the updates! You're on my 'reader'.

Love, Dad

Katie said...

Thanks for posting! We both need to motivate each other to keep posting, okay?

Cheri said...

Hooray a blogpost! Good job Baby Girl!