Saturday, September 03, 2011

Weekend (hopefully!) Project

The goal this weekend is to tackle my bedroom.  Not just clean it, which it so obviously needs, but to deep clean, organize and purge it of LOTS OF SHTUFF! I have way too much stuff that has accumulated over the years, most of it unnecessary to keep for anything.  So this weekend I'm hoping to get rid of lots of stuff, organize the remaining stuff that is hopefully only the stuff I really need, and maybe even tackle a few of the decor projects I've been wanting to do for a while!  So me posting this here is to help keep myself accountable so I can hopefully show you so after pictures instead of just leaving you hanging on the before pictures for weeks on end! So here goes nothing! It's about 12:40 on Saturday afternoon and I hope to have it all done by Monday evening! YIKES! better get to work!!

The pictures below are taken from each corner of my room in it's current state.  I did nothing to fix it or make it look better before snapping the photos, so be gentle! I'm being very vulnerable here! :)
from the door corner

from the vanity corner

from the bed corner

from the towel hook corner

and from standing on my bed :)

Did I also mention that I have a few things left to do/organize in order to be prepared for my first day with the kiddos on tuesday?! AH! (which means tuesday is the first day with the students at the school for my student teaching!)

wish me luck!

p.s. Just a note that today would have been my grandparents (dad's mom and dad) 59th wedding anniversary!  My gramma passed away in June 2004 just before their 52nd and my grampa just passed away in January of this year.  So this is their first one together celebrating in the best place they could since their 51st! Happy Anniversary Gramma and Grampa! I miss you both very much! 


Jackie said...

Sweet little tribute to your grandpa & grandma Danae. I wish you luck on your little project, but if you have any of you mamma in you you will prevail. Cant wait to see the pics.

Deedee said...

I can't wait to see the finished product!!!

Brianna said...

Fun thoughts about your grandparents together once again for their anniversary :) And goodluck on the room, I'm awaitng after pics!