Monday, September 05, 2011

Progress... not Completion

So I didn't finish my project. :( bummer! BUT! I did make quite a bit of progress! and by the pictures below, you wouldn't know it, but really, i did! And I'm going to continue working in small spurts throughout the weekend then hit it hard again this next weekend to hopefully finish it up!
I have a few more "Before" pictures as well as some "In Progress" pictures to share!

My left closet "Before"

My right closet "Before"
ugh! scary!

Vanity "Before"

Vanity Drawer 1 "Before"

Vanity Drawer 2 "Before"

Vanity Drawer 3 "Before"

Wash Table Drawer 1 "Before"

Wash Table Drawer 2 "Before"

Wash Table Drawer 3 "before"

Behind the Door/Dresser "Before"

Kinda scary how many "Junk Drawers" I've accumulated over the summer! All unintentionally of course! Please be gentle, remember, i'm being very vulnerable by sharing all of my messy, disorganized, cluttered life with you!!

The Process:
Step 1 for me always when cleaning my room: Wash the linens! love sleeping in a freshly washed bed! :D

Part of the Process: Sorting! My mom gave me these "tupperware" bins which I used to sort things into the following categories: Miscellaneous, Memory Stuff (pictures, cards, etc), Games, Shoe Accessories, Electronics, Books, Office Supplies, Magazines, Stuff that's not mine, and To be Donated! (plus others that were added later!)

Believe it or not, this mess is progress being made! I have, or now had, many many many boxes and tubs scattered throughout our house: in the storage room, garage and under my bed, that were full of SHTUFF! This is part way through some of those boxes and bins!

There is still lots of work to do, but much was accomplished over the weekend and I feel good about it! Hopefully by the end of next weekend I'll be able to give you some more updates!

That's all for me tonight! I've got my first day with the students at school tomorrow! My lunch is all packed up (now hopefully I won't forget it tomorrow!) And my outfit is picked out! Hopefully everything will go great!

Wish me luck! :)

p.s. What did YOU do with your Labor Day weekend?! :)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

You're not alone Danae... I have many "junk drawers", you just may in spire me :)