Sunday, October 26, 2008

About Me :)

So I thought that I'd do a fun little blog with random tidbits about me that people may not know, or that people may know, but I'll share the information anyways... get it out there on the internet so anyone who wants it can find it! :)

My "Tidbits"

- I tend to be a bit OCD... no I'm obviously not diagnosed nor do I take medicine for it, but I definitely have a case of it! My clothes in my closet for example... are organized in color order and must all be hanging facing the same direction. As far as my other clothes that are not hanging? Well, let's just say I'm the only one who can fold my laundry. Everyone in my family knows this and even a few close friends, because if they offer to help me fold my laundry, I simply say "no" and inform them that I'll just refold it anyways. I'm extremely particular about how each item is folded and I am the only one that knows how :) haha.

See there's my closet... clearly i have WAAAAY too much black and white and need some more color. I'll work on it. But alas this is only the clothing version of my OCD :) I'm also particular about how my bed is made although I am a little bit more lenient about this one. I don't like it when other people write on my calendars/planners because then there are different types of handwriting on it and stuff. Other things also, but we'll leave it as those details for today :)

- I am an absolute sucker for sweets. I just cannot say no to candy. Well that is unless I just ate a ton of it and have a tummy ache, but even then, sometimes I still have a hard time saying no! Pathetic, right? Not only do I love candy, I also love those other sweets - like any type of dessert for instance :) Just a list of a few of the things that I love:
-Sour Cherry Balls (found at kwik trip)
-Zebra Cakes
-Chocolate Covered Raisins
-Swedish Fish

-Peanut M&Ms

-Oatmeal Creme Pies
-My momma's Chocolate Chip Cookies
-Coconut Cake
-Hershey's Symphony Bars (the Toffee one)

-Hershey Hugs
and well... you get the idea! I was just talking with my roomie,
Katie, the other day about my self control problem, and how I hate those people who, when offered a piece of candy, say "No." I just can't do it. 9 times out of 10 I will say yes with no hesitation! I even sometimes take offense when I offer my candy or treat to others, and they say no, like they're better than me for not wanting sweets! haha, but I get over it and say, hey more for me right?

-I love Disney movies! And others of the like, for instance Pixar films, love those too! And when I say I love disney movies, I really really do. And it's not just limited to The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and Aladin. I also LOVE Disney CHANNEL movies! Yup. Those made for T.V. movies that most people my age find annoying, I live for them! Even High School Musical! and by "Even" I mean that's one of my all time favorites! I can't wait to see the third on in theaters! :) :)

-I'm a Concert Junkie! I absolutely 100% love going to concerts! I have always absolutely loved music, I am almost constantly listening to it! It's so much fun to go and see one of your favorite artists play their music live! There is just something about the passion of musicians that makes me happy! Concerts always put me in a good mood. Thus far my list includes: Rebecca St. James, Jars of Clay, Audio Adrenaline, David Crowder Band, John Mayer, Howie Day, Dashboard Confessional, Guster, Motion City Soundtrack, Anberlin, Metro Station, Quietdrive, Catchpenny, Hanson (twice I might add), Matt Wertz, Shawn McDonald, Phil Wickham, Jack Johnson, Josh Gracin, Aaron Shust, Mercy Me, Monk & Neagle, Brandon Heath, Sara Groves, Sandra McCracken, Charlie Peacock, and Derek Webb. Shortly I will add Jimmy Needham and Barlow Girl to the list! Other ones I HOPE to add to the list... Jason Mraz, Matt Nathanson, Five Times August, Bebo Norman, and Colbie Caillat!

Well that's all of the tidbits
I can think of to share for now! I hope you enjoyed this little sharing time. It was great fun eh? And I do sincerely apologize for the lack of pictures... =/ I know blogs tend to be boring with out them so here, I'll add a few randos to the end just for fun! :)

This is my & my Roomies this year! :D From left to right it's Me, Katie, Kelsey, Shadia!

This is me... in a 1994 yearbook! You can do one yourself at! it's great fun! :)

This is me & my sibs this summer in McCall Idaho! I found that quote and just found it all too true! :) From left to right it's Cara, Me & Nate.

This is a picture of me in Iowa City at University of Iowa from May 2008 when I went to go see Heidi and pick up some of her stuff with her Mom! Heidi was being creative with angles and color accenting and it turned out to be a fun picture that i've gotten lots of compliments on :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Catch Up Time... Again!

Okay so I'm back! again... anyways!! i'll do my best to catch you up on my super exciting life! :P
so here goes... we left off with my birthday weekend, right? right. okay.

the FOLLOWING weekend... was wonderful! i drove up to the cities after class on friday with my roomie Kelsey who was along for the ride to go home for the weekend, since she lives in the cities. Now as for the reason i went...? Well i went because my dear friend, Aria, bought me tickets to the Hanson concert for that night!!! :D And about a week or 2 before the concert, Aria tore 2 ankle ligaments and ended up on crutches, but so graciously took me to the concert anyways! :)

^ Me & Aria at the concert! ^

After the concert we hung out for a bit at his and the boys' (Steven, Vince, & Mickey) apartment with Matt. Then around 3AM i headed back to winona cuz i had to leave to go on a field trip with my Science class at 7:30 AM :( so anyways. I made it back and spent all day in a cave and at some sinkholes. Then i came home and crashed from about 6-10:30... got up ate some food, talked to my mom and was back in bed by 11:30 and slept till 11 the next day! :)
So that was pretty much it for that weekend! The weekend after that there was more fun to be had!

Oct 2-5:
Thursday night i went to Olive Garden in La Crosse for dinner with my freshmen year roomies, Katie, Shadia, and Hillary! It was quite delicious and a lot of fun getting to hang out again! We talked and laughed and were quite loud and got some rude stairs from nearby tables, which made us laugh all the more! :)

I headed home to Roch on friday after class w/nate. Friday i got to hang out with Megan which was so much fun! we went to the Mall and Target and closed both of em down :) then we stayed up late talking and catching up which was awesome! Then saturday i headed up to the cities again! Saturday night we hung out and i got to see a bunch of old friends from high school so that was really fun! Then sunday night we (cam, aria, cortney(cam's sister), kristin, and i) got to go to Northwestern to see Phil Wickham and Shawn McDonald! 2 Extremely talented artists and if given the opportunity to see them, you should! And until then, click on their names and check out their music on their myspace pages! :D

^Brit & Me!^^Steven & Me!^^Tony & Me!^^Me & Cam!^^Aria & Me!^^Caston & Me!^

^^All those black and whites are from saturday night in the cities! :)

The following weekend the fun continued! I had friday off of school so i headed back to roch thursday after class w/nate! Thursday night i got my hair done! (i'm back to brown! :) not quite my natural color yet.. it's a little lighter, but after next time it will be!) then hung out at home for a little bit and then hung out with aria for a little bit. Friday morning i got up and went to breakfast with Christian, a friend from high school! We went to Pannekoeken and had a good time catching up and talking about life! Then i went to caribou w/Kurt to grab some coffee! Was wonderful seeing him as well and catching up! Then it was off to panera for lunch with my Momma! :D after that i was finally on my way...
On my way to Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa to see my best friend kate! :D
Friday night the Art Music Justice Tour was at her school which was absolutely amazing!! The artists on the tour were Derek Webb, Sandra McCracken, Charlie Peacock, Sara Groves, and Brandon Heath. All amazing artists who you can check out just by clicking on their names! :D

So that was a lot of fun! then Saturday night we got dressed up and went to a bar dance! it was a Business theme hence our attire in the below photo! :)

^Me & Kate!^

Sunday I came home and got to see Brittany & Aria before they headed back up to the cities! Then i slept in my own bed and headed back to Winona w/Nate Monday morning. And here we are at another weekend! Only this one is a relaxing one! and it's so very nice! It's been waaaay too long since i've just sat around and had no obligations for a weekend! And i'm loving every second of it! I finally finished "Twilight" (which if you haven't read, you need to. No matter who you are, boy, girl, young, old, doesn't matter. Just read it!) and am on to book 2, "New Moon" and am already 120 pages in! And there's where i'm headed now! back to my book! It's SO addicting! :D gotta love a good read!

Hope you enjoyed another spastic update by me! :D