Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back with a Vengeance!

So I just finished watching "Julie & Julia" and it has inspired me to keep up with my blog! :) Now this does NOT mean I'm promising a blog every night (i'm not my mother... yet.) it doesn't even mean I'm promising a blog every week... i'm promising that i'm going to make a valiant effort to blog more often... i'm just not sure how often "more often" is yet!

In my next few blog posts i'm going to catch you up on all you've missed over the past 7ish months of my life! I'm not going to do it all in one blog, b/c that would be just TOOOO much! so i'll break it up... the rough plans in my head right now are telling me I'll break it up by month... but we'll see :)

ANYWHO as far as the here and now.... I'm back at school (Winona State University for those of you who don't know!) and tomorrow starts what is known in the college world as: "Syllabus Week"... the week that you spend all your class time getting the syllabus and going over rules and schedules and expectations and BLAH. it's also known as torture to many college students.. but better than lecture and homework i suppose... although who knows, maybe i'll get a lecture and homework tomorrow!
A brief glimpse at my schedule? Mondays = 1 class... 12:30-2:20 woo hoo!
and after class it's home for "stim therapy" on my knee and dinner with my boy and my rents :) woo!

and pssssttt.... HAPPY 21ST BIRThDAY KELSEY!!!!!

over and out :)


Katie said...

I'm so glad we decided to force ourselves to blog more. I think it's going to be really fun to be able to do it with you! :)

Cheri said...

I'm really lookin' forward to reading more blog from you!

I'll tell you what I told Katie: ....blogs don't have to be full of writing....short posts are good too.
There are so many funny things that you kids experience and do....tell us/me about college life....the good/bad/ugly/funny...boring.

I loved Julie and Julia...but then I grew up watching Julia....the first cooking show!

Unknown said...

I'm excited to see what you've been up to for the last 7 months! haha ;)

Jackie said...

Cant wait to hear what's been going on with your danae :)

Brianna said...

Cool, I like your updates! I hated syllabus week, it's overwheling, I'd rather not know every assingment that we'll be doing over the semester!