Thursday, September 25, 2008

24 days later...

i'm back! :) i don't really have much to saaaay... cuz if i try to fill you in on everything... we'll be here for FOREVER!!! and not because i have a super exciting life that has lots going on to tell you about...but because i for some reason have to give EVERY LITTLE DETAIL which is obnoxious!!! so let's just focus on my birthday! :D

so my birthday was Friday September 19! I turned 20!!! can you believe it?! no more teens for my rents!

So the original plan:
kate & brittany come down friday and we go out to dinner with my roommates and some other friends from school and then aria and cam were supposed to come down on saturday and at some point on saturday kate & brit were gonna head back to roch to see their families! so that WAS the plan... but here's what ACTUALLY happened:

Friday: kate & brittany arrive around 4-4:30 ish and we all start getting ready... which is clearly a 2 hour process b/c we're goofing off and putzing around the whole time! so anyways we're getting ready and sheila came over and the house is full with me, kate, brittany, katie, shadia, kelsey, and sheila! so i'm just about ready... got my outfit on, got my make-up on and hair almost done... just teasing left to do, so i'm in the bathroom teasing my hair when i suddenly see my MOM in the mirror behind me! and i FREAKED! i turned around saying "oh my gosh! what are you doing here?!?!" and hugged her then asked if my dad was there too and she said yup! so i ran downstairs and hugged him too!

so my parents and brother arrived... and this was at about 6:30 and they had "brought the party" my mom brought dinner and dessert and PRESENTS! :D they had decided to surprise me and come down for my bday and told kate that day so she knew she had to keep me at the house just long enough for them to get there so we wouldn't go out to eat! so anyways we all eat up the delicious food... pizza burgers, frog-eyes salad, snickers salad, and chips! then it was time for presents! i got.... "Step Up" on DVD, "Made of Honor" on DVD, Michael Buble's CD "Call Me Irresponsible," a 4-pack of mocha frappuccino(sp?), a 3pack of cinnamint Orbit gum, the brother/sister willow tree from my brudda, and a Ralph Lauren 3 pack of perfume, "Ralph"(my favorite), "Wild" and "Hot"! ... Earlier in the day when Kate arrived she gave me a Northwestern sweatshirt! :D

So a little after presents were done with Jaden and his soccer buddy Bobby came over! and then we had cake... my favorite, Coconut Cake which my momma made for me and was delicious! :D and shortly after that my rents and brother took off. Then steve (katie my roommate's boyfriend) came over, jaden went and picked up katelyn(his friend from St. Mary's who i've also become friends with) and we all headed out! We were at a party at some house for a while when i noticed that brit, kate, jay, and bobby were all missing so i gave them a call and brit said they had to run to kwik trip and i was like alright sweet! then about 5 minutes later kate called saying they were back but couldn't get in! (the house was VERY crowded and they were trying to keep it under control) so she asked if i would come get them.. so i go outside and who is waiting there for me? not just kate, brittany, jay and bobby... but i look over and see Aria, Steven, and Cam!!! i was beside myself with excitement!!! So i hugged them all and we all went back inside :)

About 20 minutes later we decided to leave cuz it was just too crowded and hot so we took off. Kate, Brittany, Jaden, Aria, Steven, Cam and i all headed back to my house after we dropped sheila, bobby and katelyn off. (katie & steve had left about an hour before so they were already gone). Once back at my place we hung out, people made t-bell and wendy's runs and then we settled into the living room for a movie... "Made of Honor" to be exact! Aria brought out his guitar and sang me "a" song for my b-day! which was actually a "collaboration" as he would say... it consisted of 3 songs... "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down, "Come On Get Higher" by Matt Nathanson, and "Better With You" by Five Times August! (the 3rd one is one that i had suggested he learn a few weeks earlier.. so he did for my bday!)

SOOOOO now that this is getting long and boring anyways since i can't seem to just give an overall story and have to give every freaking detail! I'll continue! :D

We watched the movie and went to bed! Then at 9:30 the next morning Steven, Aria, Cam, and Brittany all left and headed back to roch and then kate and i went back to bed! Well kate did anyways... i couldn't get back to sleep so i showered and got ready for the day! when she woke up around 11:30 she did the same. Then her and i had a lovely afternoon of best friend bonding time :) we went to Acoustic Cafe for lunch and then took a 3.6 mile walk around beautiful Lake Winona! Then around 3:45 she took off and headed home too!! And that's pretty much all i feel like writing for now! so i guess i'll put up some pictures now!!! :D everyone's favorite part right?! i know i know, mine too!!!

^Ladies! Kate, Sheila, Me, Katie, & Brit! ^

^^Us girlies and Natey Boy^^

Family! (minus cara :( )

^me blowing out bday candles!^

^me & my big brother! ^

^ me & jay!! ^

Well that's all folks!!!

ps. SOOOORRY this was a novel. but if you read it all... i'm impressed! :)

peace out girl scout :)


Cheri said...

good update ! It was fun to surprise you and hang out with you punks for awhile!

Anonymous said...

i read it all.
buttt sad I couldn't be there :(
and sad i still haven't mailed you things..don't worry though ;)

<3 you're favorite iowa girl

Brianna said...

I'm glad you updated. I always check, but never expect anything! I'm glad you had a fun b-day. I liked the picture your mom has of the "danae" shoes!

Cara said...

Yea update! It was long... you neva told me aria sang to you...sweet! and i heard you got some sweet shoes...but i know you were probably planning on just doing a whole blog about those b/c they are just so dang cute! hehe!!! LOVE YOU!