Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random Things...

Recently on facebook there was a popular note going around where you were to write 25 random things about yourself and tag 25 people so that they would read them and then do the same... well i did this but know that some of you didn't get to see it... so i thought i'd post it here! and maybe add some pictures?! so here's my list:

1. I am very weird and very okay with it :)

2. I absolutely love getting dolled up and wearing dresses and wear them at every given opportunity!

3. I also LOOOOVE wearing high heels. There is just something about them that makes me feel so girly and... well... tall ;)

4. I love my family and friends more than anything else. They are my life!

5. I am 20 years old and have never been kissed :)

6. I tend to be a little bit OCD... I can't let other people fold or hang up my clothes. I hate it when others write in my planner(s) or on my calendar. I don't like it when other people make my bed. I like things to be organized just the way I like it. There's more but yea, you get the idea... and some of you already know! haha

7. I have recently rediscovered my love of doing puzzles... or "puzzling." It brings great joy to my life to do puzzles! I also find them a great activity to do with others cause you can sit in silence and work, or it's a great opportunity to talk without having to just sit there!
(sorry this is sideways? i can't figure out how to rotate it!)

8. I have a hard time sitting still while on the phone... I tend to pace.

9. I drink almost everything through a straw

10. I hope to have a big family someday... at least 3 kids but would love 7! :) -- Would also like to adopt some of them!

11. I cannot wait to be a stay at home mom! (God-willing)

12. I LOVE music. Like really love it. I am almost constantly listening to it. I like most kinds
and am open to hearing anything new. - Along with this I also loove going to concerts!

13. I love sweets. Especially candy. I can't turn it down if someone offers it to me unless I've just brushed my teeth... and in that case I might accept it and save it for later!

14. I love musicals! Grease, Hairspray, High School Musical (don't judge), Rent, etc. I would LOVE to one day see one on broadway! :)

15. I can honestly say that 99% of the time I really really do not care what people think about me! In that sense I love to wear wacky things on occasion and act out in public. I like making a scene for the fun of it!

16. I someday would like to go to cosmetology school and be a beautician :)

17. I (secretly.. okay not a secret at all) wish I was left-handed and am jealous of people who are... and admittedly I sometimes write with my left hand in hopes that if I practice I'll be able to do it!

18. If I look down when I walk I revert to when I was a child and I will make an honest (almost obsessive) effort to not step on any cracks, so I do my best to NOT look down when I walk b/c if I do it usually takes me quite a bit longer to get anywhere!

19. I don't like "perfect" numbers... such as even numbers or numbers ending in 5's or 0's... I prefer 3's and 7's .... 1's and 9's are kind-of okay... My alarm is always set to a number ending in a 3 or 7. (this might result in this list actually having 27 things instead of 25... even though the title is "my 25!")

20. I am a definite movie cry-er... even on movies that most people wouldn't cry in... Songs also have a tendency to make me cry... I get choked up every single time I hear "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle

21. I love to laugh! Especially laughing till my tummy hurts. I also laugh very easily... or am "easily entertained" ... I like to consider that a good thing :)

22. I hate going up or down the stairs in the pitch black dark... or walking anywhere in the dark for that matter. It freaks me out and i feel very unstable.

23. I love scarves, sunglasses, purses, shoes and jewelry! If I could have an unlimited fund to by these things with, that would be great! :) (however that said... i get most of these things for $10 and under b/c spending more than that on them seems silly to me!)

24. I currently am thinking about making a very big decision that would mean some big changes for my life... I just don't know what to do!!!

25. I'm not a huge fan of capital letters... especially capital d's... I write my first and last name with lower-case d's. I've also had to retype almost every "I" in this note b/c I never capitalize them but I'm working on it. Even with this odd situation in my life, I rarely ever get marked off for capitalization on papers or homework b/c I can somehow magically shut off that dislike while doing them.

26. I sometimes think in a british or southern accent... :)

27. I went to church by myself for the first time in my life at the beginning of this semester... and I actually liked it :) not that I am against going with people, but going alone was not as bad as I thought it would be! :)

well i lied. there were 27... please refer to #19 for why :) 
well that's all! i have others... but i'll save those for another blog - another day ;)

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